Bringing Yoga to Life....
Venue: The Santosha Studio is a vibrant and welcoming studio in the centre of Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 1HB. There is ample parking available at Bath Road car park, and it is a 5 min walk from the mainline train station.
Dates and Times:
Weekend One - October / November - October Saturday 31st 11.00-6.00pm & November Sunday 1st 9:30am-5:15pm
Weekend Two - December Sunday 20th (11.00am-5.30pm)
Weekend Three - January Saturday 16th (11.00am-6.00pm)
Weekend Four - February Saturday 20th (11.00am-6.00pm) & Sunday 21st (9:30am-5:15pm)
Weekend Five - March Saturday 13th (11.00am-6.00pm) & Sunday 14th (9:30am-5:00pm)
£625 as a single payment or, via 2 installments (£325 due on booking; final £300 by 20th September 2020). The first installment of £325 will guarantee your space. Contact me if Covid-19 has impacted you financially and you would benefit from a delayed payment package.
Booking Link
An Immersion who is it for?
Anyone who loves yoga and would like to learn more!
Attendance of yoga classes (of any type) for at least a year is recommended.
Just 8 students! the group is kept small to ensure a rich learning environment.
Who shouldn't attend?
Body beautiful yogis (people who care only about their appearance in a pose).
Yoga fundamentalists (anyone who isn't open to merging the traditional teachings with a modern day understanding of movement and mind).
People currently suffering from active mental health conditions. This program asks you to look deeply at yourself, so may be challenging if you are going through a really tough time at the moment.
How is the course organised?
Weekend sessions will be a mix of active asana and more reflective meditation and breath work, as well as lectures, group discussion, and journaling. Alongside the 50 taught hours home practice and recommended reading will be encouraged.
Specifically we will be exploring the following:
Asana – an applied understanding of anatomy to improve technique and help refine your physical practice.
Pranayama and Meditation – an opportunity to explore some of the more introspective yoga practices.
Yoga History – The roots of yoga and how it has evolved into modern postural yoga.
Yoga Philosophy Fundamentals – The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (select verses), The Koshas (the layers of being), Mahabhutas (the 5 elements), The Yamas and Niyamas (ethics applied to modern life), The 5 Kleshas (turn your liabilities into assets).
Embodiment – What is it? Why is it important? and how does it relate to self awareness and the life choices we make?
What can I expect to gain from an immersion?
More ease, confidence, and freedom in your body.
A fuller understanding of yoga history and philosophy.
A supportive network of like-minded people.
New insights into what drives you, your relationships, and the life choices you make.