During this 60 hour course, which consists of 40 contact hours and 20 non-contact hours, you will be learning how to teach prenatal yoga covering the following topics: Psychology, Methodology, Philosophy, The Pacticum and the relevant Anatomy/Physiology.
A professional midwife will be joining us to share their knowledge of pregnancy and how it affects both the mind and body. While the lead trainer will teach the benefits of yoga and poses to avoid in prenatal yoga.
You will learn how to sequence, adjust, give verbal cues and to demonstrate prenatal yoga. All trainees will prepare and teach prenatal Yoga to each other in groups.
Several sessions will be taught as an actual prenatal yoga class. In these, you will have the opportunity to use props to simulate the feeling of being pregnant, to better understand the experience yourself.
You will also learn how the Five Elements, the Chakras, Ayurveda and the Yamas and Niyamas relate to pregnancy and motherhood.
All of this practical work will be supported by an extensive overview of prenatal Anatomy and Physiology. We will consider changes in all the systems: Endocrine, Immune, Cardiovascular, Muscular, Skeletal and Respiratory. With this knowledge, we will discuss the options for teaching a safe but highly effective practice for all pregnant yogis.
Every pregnancy is unique and every expectant mum experiences different conditions.
You will learn how to accommodate Asanas for all pregnant mums and learn how to teach yoga for the different trimesters.
You will also learn how to moderate and to offer options for mums who have different issues such as pelvic girdle pain, wrist pain, etc.
April 2nd & 3rd
May 21st & 22nd
June 17th, 18th, 19th
All training takes place over weekends, 11.00-6.00pm on Saturday & Sunday, 1.00-5.00pm on Friday


As a child I always wanted to be a nurse, but my parents wanted me to be a teacher! As a compromise I studied business and marketing and had quite a nice career within the corporate world for at least a decade. I had a job but not a purpose. The drive to train as a midwife came into full force following the birth of my second child, I remember looking at the midwives and thinking how happy they seemed. An emotion that didn't live in me whilst at work!
Following a rocky road in my personal life, I eventually found the right time to do my midwifery training – with three children under eight it wasn't always easy to juggle the needs of everyone, so I was mightily proud to pass with first class honours in 2004.
I have worked for 15 years as a midwife, both in consultant led units and within the community, loving the work but not always loving the politics!
In addition to my midwifery qualifications I have more recently undertaken training to become an EMCC accredited coach practitioner and combine my maternity experience with my coaching skills to provide a bespoke service to parents as they start and grow their families.
My work as a midwife is much less now and I focus my attention on postnatal support and maternity nursing as well as Corporate and Personal coaching.
My Maternity and Paternity Corporate Coaching Programmes support professional people as they endeavour to balance their personal and professional lives and my Parental Coaching Programme helps parents-to-be get ready for parenting.
With 15 years experience as a registered midwife and four grown up children of my own I have developed a very real passion for working alongside families as they welcome new babies into their lives. It is an absolute privilege to be a part of their parenting journey and I look forward to sharing my knowledge with you as you prepare for the next stage of your yoga teaching career enabling you to be a part of the same journey.