Tuesdays from 4.30-5.45pm
7-28 January 4 weeks
Price: £32.00
with Fiona McIntosh
A course designed with your back in mind. This course brings in elements of Yoga, Pilates, somatics, fascial unwinding and breath work to create space and restore movement in the spine, strengthen your back and core muscles and give you overall greater flexibility.
Fiona who teaches the course has experienced extreme back pain herself following two major accidents and not wanting to resign herself to a life of taking painkillers became interested in finding out how through regular exercise she could once again move without constant pain and with a new vigour and ease of movement. She hopes that Back Care not only brings greater flexibility and strength, but also relaxes and restores mind, body and spirit.
No movement experience needed. All are welcome.
Props to have to hand:- Yoga Strap or Dressing Gown Cord, a Yoga Mat, a Blanket or Cushion for your head, a small ball (like a tennis ball), a larger ball (about 8ins in diameter). We sometimes work from the Chair.